Collaborations with musicians have included:
Metropolis: a concert of electronic music and poetry
with Adrian Henri and Don Henshilwood
Voyage: a mixedmedia event
with Death Kit and Nova Express
not here but in some other place :
Tryptch with Alan Peters [trumpet]. Bob Robertson [sax]
the wrinkly witch with
The Business / O'Connors Tavern,
gardenof earthlydelights with
The Liverpool Scene / Philharmonic Hall, First Big Poetry Night
Kong- for both mixed-media and stage (as in Philharmonic Hall, Theatre Royal etc) -
and Cube: mixed media with electronic music by Mike Trim, piano by Khris Brown
This is a good place to remember to thank
Brian Dobson for percussion in many places from very early "poets in schools" at Cowley High in 1970 to the Philharmonic Hall
This is also a good place to pay respect to Mike Hart, not least
for his collaboration in and contribution to the many years of weekly readings at O'Connors and Everyman,
and in many summers at Edinburgh; but also (with Jude Kelly in early 70s) to the Liverpool 8 Friendly Society
And finally to acknowledge the guitarist Andy Roberts, without whom a life probably would not have taken the turn it did